Matrix Poker
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Matrix Poker is a combination of hazard and combinatorial thinking. The game consists in filling the game board with random numbers (from 1 up to 13) to get a maximum score by forming premium combinations in rows, columns, and on two diagonals.
To start the game, run MATPOKER.M. You will see 25 empty green cells surrounded by 24 gray cells. Above them there are three buttons ('New', 'Count', 'Help'), and a green cell with a random number between 1 and 13.
Look at that number in the upper-left corner of the game window and click on an empty cell to place the number. Repeat this step until all green cells are filled by numbers, and try to create as many premium combinations as
possible. After filling all cells, click on 'Count' button to see your score. The abbreviations of formed premium combinations, and their values will appear in surrounding gray cells.
To see the rules and the table of premium combinations in your default web browser, click on 'Help' button.
To start a new game, click on 'New'.
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- Another way to put it is that poker is a game of mistakes, and the key is to make fewer mistakes than your opponents. This is where the poker decision matrix comes in. The matrix sets your hand against your opponent’s in terms of good hand versus bad hand.
Matrix Poker Steinmeyer
Matrix Poker Tournament
(C) 2002-2003, Igor Podlubny (corresponding author,, Peter Konecny (
September 22, 2003:
Slightly updated to work properly with Matlab R11, R12, and R13.
The Matrix Poker San Jose
October 6, 2016:
The code has been updated by Matej Mikulszky,
student, Technical University of Kosice, BERG Faculty,
to make the game window resizable.